Rules and Regulations

Palo Alto AYSO Region 26

U14G Regional Tournament

November 17, 2007


A.  The primary purpose of the tournament is to have fun while gaining tournament experience.  The tournament is also used to determine which teams advance to the Area 2A U14G Tournament on December 1-2, 2007.


A.  Whenever the term "Tournament Director" is used, it shall also be interpreted to mean "or, in his absence, a designated representative."

B.   The Tournament Director shall have jurisdiction over all games played in the tournament. All disputes will be resolved soon as is possible by the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director for this tournament will be the U14G Division Commissioner or a volunteer appointed by the U14G Division Commissioner.

C.     The Tournament Director will decide any situation or subject not covered by these Rules.


A.  A minimum of seven (7) players constitute a team.

B.   The maximum number of players on a team shall be sixteen (16). 

Cubberley site map     JLS site map

C.  The Home team (players, coaches, and spectators) playing on Cubberley Football Field (CFB) shall occupy the touchline on the north side of the field (adjacent to the main grandstand). The Home team (players, coaches, and spectators) playing on JLS #1 shall occupy the touchline on the west side of the field (nearest the tennis courts). The Away team (players, coaches, and spectators) playing on each field shall occupy the touchline on the side of the field opposite the Home team.

D.  Coaches shall remain on their own side of the field and are restricted to the area within ten (10) yards on either side of the halfway line. Coaches and substitute players shall allow enough room (at least one yard back from the touchline) for the assistant referees to carry out their designated duties.

E.   Only players, coaches, and referees are allowed on the field. All others shall remain at least two (2) yards away from the touchlines and away from the areas behind the goal lines.

F.  Properly completed Official Lineup Forms (“game cards”) shall be presented to a game referee by both coaches prior to the start of each game.  Game cards shall include the Game Time and Field, and the names and jersey numbers of all players on that team's roster, present or not, with an explanation for those players who are not in attendance at the game.

G.  Each player on the team shall wear a jersey with a different number and may not exchange it with another player for the duration of the tournament games.

H.  All players shall, during the entire duration of any tournament game, wear uniforms and proper equipment as required by FIFA and AYSO Laws and Regulations.  Shorts shall be no longer than the top of the player's kneecap.


A.  Coaches shall conduct themselves in a manner becoming members of AYSO.

B.   Coaches shall at all times encourage clean competition and good sportsmanship.

C.  Coaches shall enforce the Rules & Regulations of AYSO.

D.  Coaches shall participate in positive coaching that instructs and encourages players during games. Negative comments and complaints about the referees will not be permitted.

E.   Coaches shall not use cell phones or any other electronic communication devices while their games are in progress.


A.  The U14G Referee Coordinator (or his/her designated representative) shall assign Referees and Assistant Referees to all games.

B.   All games shall be officiated using the diagonal system of control (one Referee and two Assistant Referees). If three referees are not available for a game, then one or two club linesmen shall be used. (If two club linesmen are used, one from each team should be recruited.)

C.  Referees shall at all times impose the Rules and Regulations of competition as defined by these Tournament Rules, AYSO, and the FIFA Laws of the Game.

D.  Referees must file a written report about abusive or offensive language used by coaches, players or spectators toward them, and about any behavior that interfered with the conduct of the game.


A.  All games will be played on the fields and at the times designated by the Tournament Director.  An exception to this may occur when a game must start later than its designated time due to the late finish of an earlier game.

B.   At the discretion of the Tournament Director, mandatory water breaks may be imposed.

C.  Size of balls to be used: Size 5

D.  The Referee's acceptance of the game ball(s) is final and may not be questioned.

E.   Duration of Games: Two 17.5-minute halves with a 2-minute substitution break between halves. There will be no “quarter” breaks.

F.   Immediately upon completion of each game, the referees shall report the game score by returning the completed game cards -- showing Game Time and Field; Goals Scored and Halves Played by each player; and Final Score, Winning Team, Losing Team, and Signatures -- to the Tournament Director or to the Tournament Director’s table.  In the event of a disputed score, the Center Referee will verify the score to the Tournament Director.

G.  Teams must field the minimum number of players (7) by kick-off time for play to commence.  If, after a five-minute grace period, a team does not have the minimum number of players, a forfeit results and that team shall lose by a score of 0-1.

H.  Rain-outs will not be made up. Cancellations because of weather are the responsibility of the Regional Commissioner, Tournament Director, and/or game Referee.  Check the Palo Alto AYSO web site ( or the City of Palo Alto Field Closure Hot Line (650‑329-2697) for up-to-date information regarding field closures due to rain.

I.    The Tournament Director will decide the outcome of any game suspended by the Referee for any reason.

J.    If the tournament or large portion of the tournament is canceled because of weather or unsafe conditions, advancement to the Area Tournament will be based on the final Season Standings at the end of the regular season.


A. All games will be played over a one-day period. Tournament points determine advancement to Playoff games and Playoff game results determine subsequent seeding in the Area Tournament.

B. The tournament is organized by seeding teams in a fair manner.  Tournament seeding is based on team standings at the end of the regular season.

C. Tournament Points will be awarded to each team for each game in Pool Play as follows:

6    points for a win

3    points for a tie

1    point for each goal the team scores (maximum: 3 points)

1    point bonus for a defensive shutout (1 bonus point for a 0-0 tie)

D.  If a tie in points exists within a pool when the games for Pool Play have been completed, the following tie-breaking rules (based on play during the tournament) will be used:

1.   Head-to-head result in Pool Play

2.   Fewer number of goals allowed

3.   Larger goal differential (maximum: +/- 3 per game)

4.   Coin toss by the Tournament Director

E.   If more than two teams in a pool are tied in points, one team shall be eliminated by going through the criteria set forth in Rule 7D; the remaining 2 teams shall then use the criteria set forth in Rule 7D starting at #1 and going down the list until one team is eliminated.

F.   There will be no overtime or shoot-outs in the Pool Play round. Ties in Pool Play will be recorded as such. If the score is tied at the end of a Playoff game, the match will be decided by playing two 5-minute overtime periods in their entirety (no "golden goal"). If still tied at the end of overtime, the match will be decided by kicks from the penalty mark per the FIFA Laws of the Game.


A.  Substitutions will be allowed at halftime only, unless there is an injury at which point a substitution will be allowed at the discretion of the Referee.

B.   A goalkeeper may remain in that position during the entire game. A goalkeeper on the field may switch positions with a teammate on the field at any time but only after receiving the Referee's permission.

C.  Every player present in uniform must play a minimum of one half of each game. A violation of this rule will result in a forfeit of the game by the offending team, including any violation discovered after the game has been played.


A.  All players who receive a red card or coaches sent from the field for irresponsible behavior must be reported to the Tournament Director by the Referee immediately after the game.

B.  A player issued a red card or a coach ejected from a game shall be suspended from participating in the team’s next game. Two red cards or ejections will disallow further participation in the tournament.

C.  Stronger penalties may be imposed depending on the circumstances.

D.  Penalties may not be appealed.



A.  If a team uses a player deemed to be ineligible, that team shall forfeit all games in which the player participated. Persons with knowledge of ineligible players shall report such infractions immediately upon gaining such knowledge. It is considered unethical to withhold such knowledge for the purpose of gaining an advantage.

B.  The Tournament Director may disqualify any team, at any point in the Tournament, if that team refuses to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Tournament.


A.  Any serious injury to a participant or damage caused by a participant must be reported to the Tournament Director. 


A.  Smoking and alcoholic beverages are prohibited at the tournament at all times.

B.  Good sportsmanship and fair play is encouraged throughout the tournament.